Section: New Results

Mathematical modelling for CFD-environment coupled systems

Participant : Antoine Rousseau.

Minimal-time bioremediation of natural water resources

The objective of this work is to provide efficient strategies for the bioremediation of natural water resources. Based on a previous paper [74] that deals with an homogeneous resource in space (with a system of ODEs), we implement a coupled ODE-PDE system that accounts for the spatial non-homogeneity of pollution in natural resources. The main idea is to implement a Navier-Stokes model in the resource (such as a lake), with boundary conditions that correspond to the corresponding optimal discharge of a (small) bioreactor. A first mathematical model has been intoduced (see [48] ) and a journal paper is ready to be submitted.

Mathematical modelling for the confinement of lagoons

This work deals with the concept of confinement of paralic ecosystems. It is based on the recent paper [73] that presents a modelling procedure in order to compute the confinement field of a lagoon.

In [59] , A. Rousseau and E. Frénod (INRIA CALVI), improve the existing model in order to account for tide oscillations in any kind of geometry such as a non-rectangular lagoons with a non-flat bottom. The new model, that relies on PDEs rather than ODEs, is then implemented thanks to the finite element method. Numerical results confirm the feasibility of confinement studies thanks to the introduced model.